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AR54.30-P-6015GH Remove/Install Instrument Cluster

Remove Instrument Cluster

Remove, Install
1 Disconnect ground cable of battery

CAUTION: To prevent unintended contact, insulate the ground lead cable lug.

2 Unlock steering wheel and move to its lowest position

NOTE: See Operating Instructions

3 Remove upper steering column cover (3)

CAUTION: Risk of fracturing! Do not scratch the steering wheel.


- Only as of VIN A145273, X708319:
Loosen clips on the side and front. Gently squeeze the cover together and pull out between the steering wheel and instrument panel.

4 Remove side covers (12)

CAUTION: Danger of breaking retaining lugs. Do not damage instrument panel.

- Up to VIN A145272, X708318:3 covers:
Remove side covers first. Detach center cover from instrument panel and rotate so that the retaining lugs point upwards. Then pull out to the right.
- As of VIN A145273, X708319:2 covers:
First remove the right cover, then the left. It is not necessary to detach the connectors.
The covers can remain attached to the wiring harness.

- Long wedge: See Special Tools below.

5 Remove frame (5) of instrument cluster

CAUTION: Lift clips carefully, risk of fracture.

- Push the clips (4) outwards (arrow direction A) and ease the frame down towards the footwell (arrow direction B) until the top of the frame disengages.
- Installation:
- Insert the hooks (6) of the frame into the bracket (13) and push the frame upwards until the clips snap into place
- Insert the lugs (7) on the frame into the receptacles (8) on the instrument cluster.

6 Unscrew screws (9)
7 Remove expanding clips (10)
8 Pull instrument cluster (A1) forwards
9 Unlock, open and pull off connector (11)
10 Remove instrument duster

CAUTION: Make sure the steering wheel is not scratched.

NOTE: Tilt the upper edge of the instrument cluster towards the steering wheel and move to the right out of the instrument panel

11 Install in the reverse order
12 Perform function check
- Instrument cluster (1C) diagnosis operational check

Special Tools

Assembly Wedge P/N # 115 589 03 59 00: