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AR40.20-P-0335GH Check and Adjust Rear Axle Camber/Caster

Checking and Adjusting Rear Axle Camber/Caster

Camber ST + =positive camber
ST - =negative camber

Caster NL = Caster

1. Observe general information on chassis alignment check.
2. Check vehicle level at front and rear axle with electronic level measuring instrument and, if necessary, adjust.
3. Check camber, assign tabular value.
4. Check caster at rear axle with electronic inclination measuring instrument.

NOTE: If a repaired supporting joint is installed in the wheel carrier, unscrew locking inner slotted round nut with claw-type wrench.

Installation Note: Once used, the locking inner slotted round nut must be replaced.

5. Check caster, assign tabular value.

6. Adjust camber or caster. The rear axle camber is corrected via the front bolted connection of the top wishbone/vehicle frame. The caster is adjusted at the rear bolted connection of the top wishbone/vehicle frame.
7. Adjust toe-in at rear axle.

Tightening Specification:
- Bolt, upper wishbone to frame 120 Nm
- Locking inner slotted round nut, supporting
joint on wheel carrier (replacement part) 300 Nm

Claw Type Wrench: