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GF91.60-P-4003-02GH Passenger Airbag - Function

GF91.60-P-4003-02GH Passenger Airbag - Function
- up to 31.8.00

The passenger airbag detonator 1(R12/4) located in the airbag module inflator
is ignited by the restraint systems control module (N2/7) (from 12/99) or the airbag and ETR control module (N2/2) (to 11/99) only when the triggering threshold has been exceeded and the passenger seat is occupied by a person.

1. When the triggering threshold for the passenger airbag is exceeded, the restraint systems control module (N2/7) delivers an electrical ignition pulse to passenger airbag detonator 1 (R12/4) in the inflator.

2. The detonator then ignites the solid propellant located in the inflator. When the solid propellant burns it generates a gas that flows explosively under high pressure into the interior of the bag folded compactly within the airbag housing.

3. As the gas flows into the bag under pressure, the bag rapidly inflates, tearing open the airbag housing and thrusting through the dashboard cover into the passenger compartment.

4. The bag reaches its maximum volume within approximately 50 msec.