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GF27.60-P-5103-04GB R/P Lock, Function

GF27.60-P-5103-04GB R/P lock, function
- TRANSMISSION 722.6 in MODELS 163, 170, 202, 208, 210
- with touch shift

Component Identification:

Function of R lock
Above a speed of approx. 10 km/h the R/P locking solenoid (89) is actuated by the electronic selector lever module control module (N15/5). The R/P lock lever (90) is turned to the lock position (shift from "N" to "R").

The tab on the lock lever (R lock) (90c) locks (R-lock (69c) the locking disc (69). The selector lever (80) cannot be shifted into selector lever position R".

Component Identification:

Function of P lock
The selector lever position "P" is locked whenever the R/P locking solenoid (89) is not actuated by the electronic selector lever module control module (N15/5). The prerequisites for this are as follows:
^ No voltage supply to the electronic selector lever module control module (N15/5)
^ Brake pedal not depressed.

Under these conditions the locking lever (90) is in the locking position (P-lock).

The web on the locking lever (P-lock) (90b) locks the locking disc (69). It is not possible to shift the selector lever (80) out of selector lever position "P".