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GF72.29-P-2000GH Opening/Closing Windows, Front Doors, Function

GF72.29-P-2000GH Opening/Closing Windows, Front Doors, Function

The power windows in the front doors are actuated with the power window switches in the center console switch assembly (S21):
- Left front window
When the left front power window switch (S21s1) is pressed the power window motor (M10/3) is actuated. The window opens or closes.
- Right front window
When the right front power window switch (S21s2) is pressed the power window motor (M10/4) is actuated. The window opens or closes.

The two types of actuation manual up/down are and one-touch down available:
- manual up/down feature
The power window motor is actuated only as long as the corresponding switch is pressed.
- one-touch down feature
When the switch is pressed momentarily (< 0.3 s) the power window motor is actuated for approx. 4 s (as of 12.99: approx. 6 seconds). The window is opened completely if the switch is not actuated again during the one-touch down operation.