Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Preparation For Test - Section 22

Injury hazard from pinching and crushing, in extreme cases extremities can even be severed when caught in the mechanism.

When working on components activated via hand, electrically via motors, hydraulically, pneumatically via linkages, it is possible that severe injury can result in the severing, pinching, or crushing of body parts. Do not allow any body parts to be in the general area of the moving components

Protective measures:
- Supervise work.
- Do not reach into the moving mechanism at any time during any tests.
- Keep away from the moving mechanism of components which are being activated via the HHT and or directly via circuit 30.
- Ensure that all test cables are of sufficient length.

References, Special Tools:

Test equipment; See MBNA Standard Service Equipment Program
Description Brand, model, etc.
Digital multimeter Fluke models 23, 77 III, 83, 85, 87