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One or more signals sent from control unit N73 (EIS [EZS] control unit) via the CAN bus is implausible. Current symptom : The selector lever cannot be moved out of position "P".

Possible cause:

- N73 (EIS [EZS] control unit)
Affected functions:

- Drive position selection


Test 1: Fault in CAN communication with control unit N73 (EIS [EZS] control unit).

1. Fault in CAN communication with control unit N73 (EIS [EZS] control unit).
Operation number of operation texts and work units or standard texts and flat rates:27-0641WARNING

- This is not a function error of control module A80 (Intelligent servo module for DIRECT SELECT) and does not justify replacement.
Possible cause for the entry of this event code

- Operational fault of component N73 (EIS [EZS] control unit)
Possible measures

- Read out fault memory of control unit N73 (EIS [EZS] control unit).
- Process displayed fault codes in control module N73 (EIS [EZS] control unit).
End of test