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Rear Caliper Carrier, Bearing Adjustment

Note: Reconditioning jobs on rear axle shaft flange bearing can also be made with rear axle installed.


1 Remove coupled semi-trailing arm.

2 Remove caliper, brake disc and parking brake.

3 Clamp rear axle shaft flange with assembly plate (01) into vise.

4 Remove brake cable control.

5 Unscrew brake carrier, brake carrier plate and cover plate.

6 Unscrew caliper from link bolt.

7 Remove locking ring and remove together with protective ring.

8 Pull caliper carrier with radial ball bearing from wheel carrier.

9 Remove locking ring and push radial ball bearing out of caliper carrier.

10 Unlock slot nut on rear axle shaft flange and unscrew.

11 Remove sealing ring and push off radial sealing ring uniformly by means of a screwdriver.

12 Push wheel carrier from rear axle shaft flange by means of two-arm puller and thrust piece (01). Remove wheel carrier with coupled semi-trailing arm and inner race of inside tapered roller bearing.

13 Remove spacing sleeve from rear axle shaft flange.

14 Pull inner race of outside tapered roller bearing from rear axle shaft flange by means of puller.

15 Knock outer radial sealing ring from wheel carrier.

16 Pull outer race of outside tapered roller bearing from wheel carrier.

17 Knock outer race of inside tapered roller bearing out of wheel carrier.

18 Check parts for re-use. Renew worn and damaged parts.

19 Check rear axle shaft flange for vertical and lateral runout.

Note: The rear axle shaft flanges are provided with an oil return spiral on running surface for outer radial sealing ring, which differs for lefthand and righthand side. For identification, the chamfer for concentric alignment is provided with a punched-in "R" for righthand side and a punched-in "L" for lefthand side.

20 If required, refinish oil return spiral with emery cloth (grain 180) at an angle of approx. 20° for a length of 20 mm.

L = Lefthand rear axle shaft flange
R = Righthand rear axle shaft flange


Attention! Install rear axle shaft flanges with large fillet only (arrow).

21 Press inner race (16) of outside tapered roller bearing on rear axle shaft flange (15).

Attention! Use tapered roller bearing with large fillet for inner race only.

22 Press radial ball bearing into caliper carrier with remover and installer up to stop and secure with locking ring.

23 Press caliper carrier with radial ball bearing on wheel carrier by means of installer (01).

24 Mount protective ring and secure with locking ring.

25 Attach brake caliper carrier with brake hose holder to link bolt and tighten to 25 Nm by means of hex. screws.

26 Install outer races of both tapered roller bearings into wheel carrier by means of installer (01).

27 Coat seat for outer radial sealing ring on wheel carrier with sealing compound and carefully mount new radial sealing ring by means of installer (01) in such a manner that ring rests against shoulder of wheel carrier.

28 Fill cavity between the two bearing outer races in wheel carrier with specified multi-purpose grease.

29 Mount cover plate, brake carrier plate and brake carrier on wheel carrier.

30 Place new spacing sleeve (width 11.8-12.0 mm) on rear axle shaft flange and introduce rear axle shaft flange into wheel carrier.

31 Slip inner race on rear axle shaft flange. Fill new inner radial sealing ring between both sealing lips with multi-purpose grease. Coat radial sealing ring with sheet metal jacket at OD with sealing compound. Mount radial sealing ring with partially rubberized jacket in dry condition. Press-in bearing inner race and radial sealing ring together by means of assembly tool (01).

32 Mount sealing race and screw-on new slot nut.

Adjustment of wheel bearing

33 Attach dial gauge holder to wheel carrier.

34 Adjust end play (0.04-0.06 mm) of rear axle shaft flange by tightening slot nut. Turn rear axle shaft flange several times and check end play at several points.

Attention! If the slot nut has been tightened too much and there is no more end play, do not correct end play by releasing slot but always install a new spacing sleeve and adjust end play once again.

35 Secure slot nut by bending at two points into respective slots in rear axle shaft flange.

36 Install brake cable control.

37 Install parking brake, brake disc and caliper.

38 Install coupled semi-trailing arm.