Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Routine Checks

In addition to the lubrication and maintenance services, it is recommended that the following items be checked regularly and prior to any long trip:

Engine oil level - during the break-in period no later than 300 miles.

Automatic transmission fluid level

Brake (and clutch) fluid level
- if fluid needs to be added determine the cause.

Battery - add distilled water only.

Windshield washer system
- add water mixed with windshield detergent, check operation of wiper blades.

Tire pressure - check at least every other week.

Lubrication - Lubricate engine throttle control linkage rods and shafts and check for free movement and for wear at every lubrication service, at least twice a year, and also after using engine cleaning solvent.
Use only Automatic Transmission Fluid. Refer to factory approved service product specification.