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Air Bag: Adjustments

Noise Test, Adjustment:
Check whether the cushion tilts diagonally by pressing gently with the thumbs from bottom left to top right and top left to bottom right. Diagonal tilting leads to rattling of the airbag unit in the steering wheel. If necessary, repeat the adjustment described above after slackening the right-hand bolt.

Steering Wheel, 1st Version (Installed up to 5/82):

Move airbag unit in diagonal direction by pressing gently with the thumbs while localizing the axial play. Then remove airbag unit.

With axial play e.g. at left top on airbag unit carefully and slightly compress left-hand contact link (57) bottom (arrows) and e.g. at right top compress right-hand contact link bottom in the range of the contact surface (arrows).

NOTE: If axial play is not eliminated in this way renew contact links.

Check triangular springs. If radial play shows up on an installed triangular spring remove triangular springs and insulating plate and rebend support on screen impact absorber accordingly (arrows).

Steering Wheel, 2nd Version (Installed up to 11/85):

In this version, there is a positioning wheel (80) on the right-hand contact link (57) to eliminate any axial play.

Example: Play at bottom left or top right: rotate positioning wheel (80) to the left using a suitable tool, e.g. a small screwdriver until the play is eliminated.

NOTE: The airbag unit need not be removed for this. Around the positioning wheel the steering wheel foam has a molded channel to receive the adjusting tool (see arrow).

Steering Wheel, 3rd Version:

Slacken oval-head torx socket bolts and align airbag unit on steering wheel so that it is correctly seated. Screw in both torx socket bolts a few threads. Then tighten left-hand torx socket bolt to the specified tightening torque. Gently pull right-hand side of airbag unit away from steering wheel and screw in torx socket bolt to the specified tightening torque.

Check system using tester, part no. 126 589 10 21 00. [1][2]Component Tests and General Diagnostics After the test, disconnect the ground cable on the battery and connect the plug connection with the ignition switched off. Hook foot rest into firewall and place foot mat in driver's footwell. Connect negative terminal of battery.

Watch the warning lamp while turning the steering wheel to full lock in both directions with the engine running. The warning lamp must not light up or flicker.
Check that the horns function correctly and that the combination switch returns automatically.