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Transmission Shift Point Retard

The 2-3 upshift is retarded, i.e. this gearshift is performed slightly later, to enable the catalytic converter to more rapidly reach its operating temperature.

Function (engines 102.96/98, 104 and 119)
The shift point retard solenoid valve is energized by the CIS-E control unit (N3) or air mass Sensor (LH) control unit and the transmission shift point retard relay (K29). The governor pressure is towered via a hydraulic Oil line which is boiled to the governor pressure test connection and to the connector, and via a further line which is inserted in a drilling at the transmission housing. Provided certain conditions are met (coolant temperature, vehicle speed and time), the solenoid valve is deenergized and the governor pressure is completely dumped.

Shift Point Retard Conditions
The 2-3 transmission shill point retard is operative only at coolant temperatures of 0-60°C. The operating period is dependent or the coolant temperature when the engine is started, it is longest when the temperature is 20-30°C and in this case amounts to 60-80 seconds.

Arrangement On Transmission 722.4

0 OIL sump outlet
MR Governor pressure test connection
Y3/2 Shift point retard solenoid valve