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Bosch - ABS2

35 Position ECU Plug:

Connector View

Bosch ABS 2


Terminal ID
1 - Power Ignition SW. or over voltage relay*
2 - Solenoid valve (left front)
3 - N/C
4 - Wheel speed sensor (left front) (-)
5 - Wheel speed sensor (left front) (-)**
6 - Wheel speed sensor (left front) (+)**
7 - Wheel speed sensor (left rear) (+)**
8 - Wheel speed sensor (left front) (+)**
9 - Wheel speed sensor (left front) (-)
10 - Ground
11 - Wheel speed sensor (Right front) (+)**
12 - N/C
13 - Lateral accel. switch or sensor (GM)
14 - Pump motor monitor voltage
15 - Alternator monitor
16 - N/C
17 - Pump & Solenoid rel. coil feed (GM, Nissan)
18 - Solenoid valve (left rear or rear)
19 - Solenoid valve (right rear)***
20 - Solenoid valve ground
21 - Wheel speed sensor (Right front) (-)
22 - Wheel speed sensor (left front) (+)**
23 - Wheel speed sensor (Right front) (+)
24 - Wheel speed sensor (Right rear) (+)****
25 - Brake light switch
26 - Wheel speed sensor (Right rear) (-)****
27 - Solenoid valve relay control
28 - Pump motor relay control
29 - ABS Indicator lamp
30 - N/C
31 - N/C
32 - Solenoid power monitor input
33 - N/C
34 - Solenoid valve ground
35 - Solenoid valve (Right front)

NC = No connection

* Power is furnished either through the ignition switch Pin 15 directly or through an over voltage protection relay. If a relay is used in the system then Pin 15 will supply the energizing signal to the relay and the relay contacts closing provides the supply voltage to Pin 1 of the ECU. Usually the over voltage protection relay is mounted close to the ECU.

** If there are only three valves listed it means there isn't a right rear valve and therefore no wire in Pin 19. If a wire exists in Pin 19 it will mean the system has four solenoid valves.

*** Not all Bosch ABS 2 have a Solenoid valve on the right rear wheel. This does not mean that if a system has only three solenoid valves that it will only have three wheel speed sensors. These differences are sorted out in the chart.

**** Not all Bosch ABS 2 have a wheel speed sensor on the right rear wheel. Systems that have only three wheel speed sensors have the rear sensor mounted in the differential housing. The easiest way to determine how the wheel speed sensors are wired is to inspect the 35 Pin plug and see what contacts are used for in system being tested.