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Cylinder Head Assembly: Tools and Equipment

Special tools
Socket 27 mm, 001 589 65 09 00
1/2" square socket for rotating engine

Socket 10 mm, 1/2" square, 140 mm 000 589 05 07 00
long for hex. socket cylinder head bolts

Socket 1/2" square, 140 mm long for 617 589 00 10 00
double hex. cylinder head bolts

Screwdriver (Allen wrench) with 116 589 03 07 00
tommy handle for hex. socket screws
6 mm, 440 mm long

Impact puller for bearing bolt (basic unit) 116 589 20 33 00

Threaded bolt for impact puller M 6, 116 589 01 34 00
50 mm long

Threaded bolt for impact puller, M 6, 116 589 02 34 00
150 mm long

Valve adjusting wrench 14 mm (2 each) 615 589 00 01 00

Holding wrench for valve spring retainer 615 589 00 03 00

Torque wrench with plug-in ratchet, 001 589 67 21 00
1/2"square, 40 - 200 Nm

Pressure plate 617 589 01 25 00

Suspension device 115 589 34 63 00

Conventional tool
Electrically heated water basin e.g. Otto Durr, D-7123