Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Set temperature selector wheels R20/1 and 2 to MIN.

2. Set air conditioning to (image),

adjust air volume switch to stage 4 and place air distribution switch at symbol (image).
3. Open center and side vents.

4. Place a thermometer in the left or right-side center vent.
5. Place a thermometer for ambient temperature (room temperature) at the outside of the vehicle approx. 2 m from the driver's side.
6. Open the window and close the vehicle doors. Allow engine to run at approx. 2000 rpm.
7. After approx. 5 minutes note the temperatures indicated by the two thermometers at the center vent and outside temperature, and compare these with the figures in the diagram.

Ta Outside temperature °C

NOTE: If the air conditioning fails to cool although the compressor runs, then cooling capacity and vacuum/over pressure should be checked.

CAUTION! The air exit temperature at the center vent must not drop below +5 °C. If the specified temperature is not obtained, the exit temperature being either too cold or too warm, then the resistance of the evaporator temperature sensor and its leads should be checked, and the temperature sensor should be replaced where necessary. If no defect is discovered, replace the control unit