Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

1. Servicing the Battery In the Vehicle

When servicing the battery in the vehicle, the precautions below should be adhered to. Failure to do so will result in premature battery failure. Batteries rendered defective due to improper maintenance are not replaceable under warranty.

1.1 Wipe dirt, leaves, etc., off of the battery before opening the vent caps for filling. Contamination will damage the battery.

1.2 Use correct tools for the job: terminal end puller, correct size wrench, cleaning brush, etc. Never allow a wrench or other metal tool to bridge the two terminals.

1.3 Always remove the negative terminal end first and reconnect last.

1.4 Be sure the hold-down clamp is correctly positioned and tightened.

1.5 Disconnect the negative terminal when charging the battery.