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Radio - Post Warranty Repair Procedure

REF. NO. MBNA 82/37C


DATE: August 1995

(supersedes S.I. MBNA 82/37B February 1995)

Added information on eligible exchange units for isolated warranty replacement. Program extension to include 1992 radio versions. CD changer information. BNA phone number and additional parts information.


Mercedes-Benz of North America, Inc. has authorized Becker of North America, Inc. to administer a post-warranty radio repair program. M-B dealers may submit radios with expired warranties directly to BNA for repair or exchange.

The following is an outline of the revised program:


1. Provide M-B customers with the best possible post warranty radio service at a reasonable cost.

Scope of program and eligibility

1. All out-of-warranty vehicles equipped with Becker Grand Prix Electronic radios, starting with M.Y. 1981, are eligible for this exchange program.

2. The Becker Grand Prix Electronic radios covered include 1981 to 1992 version chassis and faceplates (Figures 1 through 5).

3. Becker radios produced prior to 1981 may be submitted for repair on an individual basis.

The M-B dealer must fill in all the spaces and send the tag in with the core to be returned.

If the M-B dealer is claiming a BNA core warranty, he must fill in the date of the core installation in the space provided.

4. Scrambled radios will not be serviced unless proper proof of ownership is supplied to BNA by the M-B dealer (see S.I. 82/17 and MBNA 82/28). BNA will reject radios with missing or altered serial numbers or incomplete after Warranty return tags (Figure 6).

5. Becker radios that scramble during M-B dealer service will be repaired at a preferred price. M-B dealers may make this claim by checking the space provided on the Radio Return Tag and submitting the radio on an individual basis. If, during the course of reprogramming, it is determined that servicing and testing of other unrelated items are required, BNA will notify the dealer (in writing) prior to completing the repair.

Service Procedure

All spaces are filled in by BNA before shipment with exchange part. The M-B dealer must stamp the reverse side with his dealer stamp to validate the voucher.

1. General:
The M-B dealer has the option to establish a parts inventory or to order parts as required for each repair. BNA will issue a core voucher (Figure 7) with each exchange part ordered outright. If the M-B dealer submits a core part at the time of purchase, he will not be billed for a core and therefore not receive a voucher.

To ensure proper administration of the program, BNA will include an after warranty radio return tag with each exchange part.

2. Procedure:
^ By using the MBNA Radio Diagnostic Chart (S-2329-C00), the M-B dealer will determine which part(s) of the radio (chassis or faceplate) needs to be repaired and the appropriate damage code to use on the radio return tag.

^ The M-B dealer can draw the required part(s) from his stock or can order directly from BNA.

^ After replacement, the M-B dealer may return the core(s) along with the core voucher for core reimbursement. However, most M-B dealers will find it expedient to use their cores as credit against their next exchange purchase. Submit core(s) to BNA along with an order for corresponding replacement part(s) and pay only the "with core" price.

^ M-B dealer must attach a completed radio return tag to each core returned to BNA.

^ All parts must be shipped in their original carton.


1. BNA will supply exchange parts to M-B dealers at the prices shown, excluding shipping:

2. M-B dealer will be reimbursed by BNA when he returns core with core voucher:

3. Radios that scramble during M-B dealer servicing will be reprogrammed, serviced and tested for $60.00. BNA will charge for additional service if other unrelated repairs are required.

4. BNA will contact the dealer if the core is physically damaged to such an extent that an economical repair is not feasible. In this case, the core will be returned to the M-B dealer (see S.I. MBNA 82/68, August 1993).


1. All Becker radio repairs shall be warranted by BNA for 90 days from the date of customer installation, but not for more than 1 year from date of M-B dealer purchase. This warranty shall cover both parts and labor. Labor expenses will be reimbursed at a flat rate of $24 for chassis and CD changer replacement and $12 for faceplate replacement.

2. Parts replaced under the BNA warranty must be returned with the warranty section of the radio return tag completed. Return postage to be paid by the M-B dealer.

Program Changes

1. This radio repair program may be changed and enhanced at any time by both MBNA and BNA subject to prior consent. Changes would be announced to the M-B dealer body in due time.

Parts Information - Exchange Units

2. In the exceptional case that a warranty repair is authorized by the SOM or through DSA (Dealer Self-Authorization), the exchange units shown are to be used:

Questions regarding such cases may be directed to Chuck Wright, MBNA Warranty Department, Telephone (201) 573-6761.

Ordering Information

1. Parts may be ordered from and returned to:
Becker of North America, Inc.
16 Park Way
Upper Saddle River NJ 07458
Telephone: (201) 327-3434
Fax: (201) 327-2084

BNA Parts Information

The BNA part nos. shown are available for customer pay items.