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Test Step #4 - Speed Sensor Internal Resistance

With ignition on, rotate the switch to position #4 (Front Left), #5 (Front Right) and #6 (Rear) and read ohmmeter reading.


No Fault Found:
- Battery LED on
- Alternator LED on
- ABS indicator lamp on
- Internal resistance of sensors
Front sensors: 850 - 2,300 Ohms
Rear sensor: 600 - 1,600 Ohms
Go to TEST #5

Fault Found:
- Battery LED off Poor contact on coaxial plugs Test coaxial plug and cable
- Alternator LED off or on cable connector, connector,
- ABS indicator lamp off Wiring to wheel sensor open Check sensor lines connections
- Internal resistance of sensors or incorrectly connected, and routing,
Front: Less than 850 ohms RPM sensor defective, Replace wheel speed sensor,
or greater than 2,300 Ohms Too much wheel bearing play Adjust wheel bearing play
Rear: Less than 600 Ohms
or greater than 1,600 Ohms
