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Radio - Serial Number Alteration Concerns

REF. NO. MBNA 82/38


DATE: June 1989


Becker radios with removed, altered or counterfeited serial numbers will not be accepted by either MBNA or BNA for reprogramming, exchange or repair unless proper documentation (copies of insurance claim and/or return of stolen property receipt from police) is enclosed with the returned radio. This policy must be strictly enforced so that the integrity of our theft deterrent system is maintained.

A few common scenarios along with MBNA's official responses are listed below to help you deal with each case.

1. Problem - Radio without serial number fails/scrambles during dealer servicing.

Solution - If the customer cannot produce proper documentation (insurance claim and/or return of stolen property receipt from police) he is to be advised that the radio in his car cannot be serviced by an authorized MB dealer because the radio is suspected stolen and that he should seek satisfaction from the place that sold him the radio. The dealer service manager may assist the customer by providing support and use of his telephone, in any case, the blame and resulting confrontation must be shifted to where it belongs, the aftermarket supplier of stolen radios.

2. Problem - A customer drops off a vehicle with a scramble/defective radio for service. The radio cannot be exchanged because it is suspected stolen.

Solution - As before, the customer must produce proper documentation or seek satisfaction from whoever sold him the radio. The service manager may provide reasonable assistance.

3. Problem - The radio installed in a MB used car program vehicle, fails/scrambles and is subsequently discovered to be suspected stolen.

Solution - If the MB dealer sold the vehicle with the radio in the car, he is responsible for the radio. Each MB used car should be inspected for a removed, altered or counterfeited radio serial number before being placed in the program. If the dealer did not sell the vehicle with the defective radio see # 1 and 2.

In each of the preceding cases, it must be stressed to the customer that authorized MB dealers will not service Becker radios that are suspected stolen. MB dealers are also the only ones equipped to properly verify the correct operation of the ATA circuit and MBNA is therefore also not responsible for the scrambling of non-MB authorized radio installations, even if scrambling occurs during vehicle service at an authorized MB dealer.