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GF82.61-P-3003B Loading Language, Function

GF82.61-P-3003B Loading Language, Function
- with CODE (353) Audio 30 APS

The data for navigation voice output is stored originally on the navigation DVD. They are transmitted with the help of the DVD drive of the radio (A2) into the memory of the navigation processor and are then available anytime for navigation.
The language is reloaded in the following cases:
^ automatically, after voltage to the radio (A2) was interrupted
^ manually, by activating the "SPRA" menu in the navigation mode

Loading the language requires approx. 20 s.

If the system is switched off while loading the language, the language data is lost and must be reloaded again. Avoid strong vibrations to the vehicle (e.g. extremely bumpy roads) while the language is being loaded.

The navigation processor is integrated in the radio (A2).