Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Explosion and Poisoning Hazard

Explosion and Poisoning Hazard From Solvent Vapors and Gases

Possible dangers

Explosion hazard
The solvents contained in corrosion protection agents (e.g. undercarriage protection agents, hollow cavity wax, engine compartment wax,...) are inflammable and can explode when sprayed against glowing parts or into open flames.

Poisoning hazard
Inhalation of the spray or solvent vapors can lead to injury of the respiratory paths and lungs. Signs of this are poisoning symptoms such as headache, respiratory disturbances, nausea and unconsciousness.

Undercarriage protection agents also pose the following hazards:
- Danger of liver and kidney damage.
- Disruptions to central nervous system, unconsciousness.
- Toxic gases with an unpleasant odor are produced by combustion, which are dangerous at high concentration.

Injury hazard
Contact between agent and eyes can lead to severe eye injury.
Skin inflammation can result from the degreasing effect in the event of long or repeated skin contact.

Rules of behavior/protective measures
- Remove PVC undercarriage protection agents and PVC joint sealing agents before performing any brazing or welding work on affected points. This also applies for all work such as torch cutting, grinding, etc.
- When cutting out damaged body parts "cold" cutting methods are preferable. This avoids the development of smoke and health endangering gases.
- Protect containers against direct sunlight and temperatures above 50 °C.
- Always observe specified processing pressure.
- Do not spray corrosion protection agents into flames or against glowing objects, keep away from sources of ignition, no smoking.
- Take measures to prevent electrostatic charges from developing.
- Avoid contact with eyes and skin.
- Wear tightly closed protective goggles and solvent resistant gloves.
- Process only in well ventilated rooms, wear gas mask.
- Remove contaminated or soaked clothing immediately and wash.
- Keep away from foodstuffs and beverages.
- Keep containers closed tightly and store in well ventilated location.

First-aid measures

Following eye contact
- Rinse immediately with water, contact specialized physician (ophthalmologist) immediately.

If swallowed
- Orally administer medicinal charcoal (activated charcoal), do not induce vomiting, contact physician immediately.

If inhaled
- Move affected person to fresh air and keep calm, avoid exertion.

Following skin contact
- Wash off immediately with soap and water, apply skin protection salve.

Fire protection measures
Perform extinguishing, rescue and clean-up work in the face of explosive or inflammable gases only with full gas mask. Do not inhale gases from explosion or combustion.

Suitable extinguishing agents:
- Water spray jet
- Foam
- Extinguishing powder
- Carbon dioxide

Unsuitable extinguishing agent:
- Full water jet