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Brakes and Traction Control: Service and Repair

AH42.00-P-0003-01A Notes on repairs to brake system

^ During maintenance and repair work on the brake system ensure that no mineral oil, grease or similar substances enter the brake system
^ New brake fluid must be used as washing and cleaning medium for cylinders, lines and expansion containers in the hydraulic braking system.
^ If mineral oil is found in the brake system or mineral oil is suspected of being in the brake system, the following procedure must be carried out:

1. Replace the tandem master brake cylinder or brake operating unit and expansion reservoir for brake fluid.
2. Flush out entire brake system thoroughly with fresh brake fluid.
3. All brake parts with components made from rubber, such as brake calipers, brake hoses, SBC/ABS/ETS/ASR or ESP hydraulic unit, pressure reservoir, charge plunger unit and charging pump, which may have come into contact with mineral oil, must be replaced.
4. Bleed the braking system

Handling SBC/ABS/ETS/ASR and ESP parts on vehicles involved in accidents:
If, due to the extent of the damage to the vehicle, or from the position and external appearance of the hydraulic unit it can be recognized that the hydraulic unit has received a heavy blow, the hydraulic unit should be replaced.

Indications of this are e.g.:
^ Hydraulic lines kinked
^ Connections on hydraulic unit leaking
^ Cables or plug connections damaged
^ The metal block of the hydraulic unit has signs of damage
^ The hydraulic unit has sprung out of the bracket and cannot be inserted again without a lot of force.

If the above conditions do not apply, the system must nevertheless be subjected to a thorough function test and the steps for testing the solenoid valves and pump must be carried out.