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Risk of Explosion from Electrolytic Gas

Possible dangers

Explosion hazard
A highly explosive gas mixture is generated when lead-acid batteries are charged

Poisoning hazard
When battery acid is taken orally
toxic symptoms can occur such as headache, dizziness, stomach pain, paralysis of the respiratory system, unconsciousness, vomiting, acid burns and cramps.
Battery acid vapor can burn eyes. Inhalation can result in burns to mucous membranes and respiratory paths.
Lead in the body can damage blood, nerves and kidneys; moreover, lead compounds pose a hazard for the reproduction organs.

Injury hazard
Battery acid contains sulfuric acid, which can cause severe burns to skin and eyes. When handling damaged lead-acid batteries (removing from accident vehicle) increased care is necessary due to the sharp edges on the broken housing and direct contact with the lead plates.

Rules of behavior/protective measures
- Charge lead-acid batteries only in well ventilated rooms.
- Fire, sparks, open light and smoking prohibited.
- Do not lay tools or other conductive items on lead-acid batteries (danger of short circuiting).
- Disconnect and remove lead-acid batteries for charging.
- Always disconnect negative pole first; always connect positive pole first.
- Switch on charger only after connecting to poles; switch off before disconnecting.
- Keep lead-acid batteries and battery acid away from unauthorized persons.
- Store battery acid only in suitable, appropriately marked containers.
- Store lead-acid batteries only in upright position.
- Ensure that gassing line is properly connected.
- Check gassing line for kinks and proper passage.
- Observe instructions for applicable lead-acid battery and vehicle operating instructions.
- Wear acid protective clothing and protective goggles with side guard.

First-aid measures
Eye contact
Rinse eyes Immediately with large quantities of water.
Skin contact
Remove affected clothing.
Neutralize acid on skin or clothing immediately with acid neutralizer or soap solution and rinse with large quantities of water.
Inhalation of battery acid vapor
Move affected person to fresh air
Swallowing battery acid
Have person drink large quantities of water containing activated charcoal.

Generally medical services or a physician should be contacted after administering first aid.

Fire protection measures
Suitable extinguishing agents
- CO2 and dry extinguishing agents.

Warning Notes On Lead Acid Batteries: