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AR03.20-P-4341-01CV Install/Gauge Crankshaft Bearings

AR03.20-P-4341-01CV Install/gauge crankshaft bearings
- for reconditioned crankshaft

Modification Notes

Modification notes:

Test specifications for crankshaft bearing clearance

Test specifications for crankshaft bearing clearance:

Crankshaft bearing cap

Crankshaft bearing cap:

Component Identification:

1 Blow out oil galleries with compressed air in direction of oil flow.
2 Clean bearing points in crankcase, main bearing cap and main bearing journal of crankshaft with a chamois leather.
If a bearing damage has occurred, it may be necessary to remove any swarf from the connecting rod bores, oil ducts, the crankshaft and crankcase casings as well as the crankcase! Do not use any hard objects for cleaning.

The top bearing shell halves (1) are assigned to the basic journal of the crankshaft by means of a colored ring on the rear of the upper bearing shell half (1) and numbers (arrows) or center punch marks, which are stamped into the crankcase.

Only the assigned color and number combinations (per the table) should be fitted together.

Assignment of crankshaft bearing shell top halves (crankcase) M 112, 113:

Assignment of crankshaft bearing shell bottom halves (bearing cap) M 112, 113:

Component Identification:

The bottom halves of the bearing shells (7) are assigned to the basic journal of the crankshaft by means of the first letter of the respective color.

The color coding of the lower bearing shell halves (7) is located on the rear of the lower bearing shell halves (7).

The initial letters of the particular colors are engraved on the journal of the crankshaft.

When installing the bearing shell halves, it is important to keep to the order of the colors which is engraved on the journal of the crankshaft!

Component Identification:

Example: Engine 112
Arrow identifies direction of travel.
- First letter 'r': A bearing shell with the color coding red must be inserted in bearing cap '1'.
- Second letter 'b': A bearing shell with the color coding blue must be inserted in the bearing cap '2'.
- Third letter 'v': A bearing shell with the color coding purple must be inserted in the bearing cap '3'.
- Fourth letter 'w': A bearing shell with the color coding white must be inserted in the bearing cap '4'.

Component Identification:

3 Insert the bearing shell top halves (1) with oil drillings (2) and oil grooves (3) into the crankcase.
When doing this, ensure that the anti-twist locks (4) of the bearing shell halves (1) are located in the recesses of the crankcase.
4 Insert the bearing shell bottom halves (7) into the bearing caps (6).
When doing this, ensure that the anti-twist locks (5) of the bottom bearing shell halves (7) are located in the recesses of the bearing caps (6).

Component Identification:

5 The thrust plates (8) are assigned to the bearing caps (6) using the numbers "1" and "0" (per the table). These are engraved on the journal of the crankshaft (arrowed).
The thrust plates (8) installed must have the same designation.

Assignment of thrust washers to crankshaft M 112, 113:

Component Identification:

6 Insert crankshaft (15) into crankcase
7 Install top thrust plates (8).
The oil grooves (9) of the thrust plates (8) must point toward the crank webs (10).

Component Identification:

8 Install bearing caps (6) according to their markings.
Installation: When installing the fit bearing cap (13), hold both thrust plates (8) tight. The anti-twist locks (11) of the thrust plates (8) must be located in the slots (12) of the fit bearing cap (13). The oil grooves (9) of the thrust plates (8) must point toward the crank webs (10).

Component Identification:

9 Moisten the thread and head contact surface of the bolts of the bearing caps with oil.
10 Tighten the bolts of the bearing caps as specified in the tightening procedure.
Note tightening torque and tightening angle of bearing cap bolts. If no torquing angle wrench is available, the bearing cap bolts can be torqued further by the specified angle in a single operation using a wrench and locking handle. Do not use a flexi-rod torque wrench for tightening in order to avoid any angle errors.
11 Turn crankshaft to check for unobstructed movement.