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AR35.31-P-0550-01PA Removing Left Locking Ring From Rear Axle Housing Using Spreader

AR35.31-P-0550-01PA Removing left locking ring from rear axle housing using spreader
- Rear axle center assembly dia. 185, 198, 210

Rear axle housing expansion (spread dimension)

Rear axle housing expansion (spread dimension):

Test values for rear axle housing expansion

Test values for rear axle housing expansion:

Rear axle housing expansion

Rear axle housing expansion:

Test values for friction torque of rear axle differential

Test values for friction torque of rear axle differential:

Special Tools:

Component Identification:

1 Attach spreader (058) to rear axle housing; to do this, tighten collar bolts (arrows) to 50 Nm.

Component Identification:

2 Position measuring bracket (059) for spreader on spreader (058) and press against the two bolts from underneath. Set dial gauge to "0" with 3 mm preload.

Stop bolt (arrow) of the contact arm (059) must abut with contact surface of rear axle housing.

Component Identification:

3 Turn the straight surface (arrow) of the thrust piece towards the opening of the circlip (29).
4 Screw in the threaded spindle (058a) by hand until the thrust piece abuts the tapered roller bearing outer race.

Component Identification:

5 Screw in the threaded spindle (058a) of the spreader (058) until the rear axle housing has reached a spread dimension of 0.10 to 0.13 mm.

When spreading, do not exceed the specified spread dimension in order to avoid damage to the rear axle housing.

6 Remove contact arm (059).

Component Identification:

7 Remove left locking ring (29) from rear axle housing using pliers (064).

Mark circlip (29).

8 Relieve load on the rear axle housing and detach spreader (058).