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GF88.79-P-2008QA Left/Right Outside Mirror Lens Adjustment, Function

GF88.79-P-2008QA Left/right Outside Mirror Lens Adjustment, Function
- as of 1.6.04

Component Identification:

Function requirements
^ Circuit 15R or circuit 15 ON
^ No overvoltage or undervoltage
^ Currently no mirror lens position storage activated

The left electrically adjustable and heated outside mirror (M21/1) and right electrically adjustable and heated outside mirror (M21/2) are adjusted manually with the light switch module (S1).
Selection is accomplished via the left mirror adjustment switch (S1s4) or right mirror adjustment switch (S1s5).
The following adjustments are possible via the outside mirror raise/ lower, in/out rocker switch (S1s6):
^ Mirror lens adjustment horizontally
^ Mirror lens adjustment vertically

The adjustment request are transmitted directly to the front SAM control module with fuse and relay module (N10/1) by the exterior light switch (S1), which relays the information to the left door control module (N69/1) or right door control module (N69/2) via CAN-B (CAN-B)
The left door control module (N69/1) then actuates the mirror up/ down adjustment motor (M21/1m1) and the mirror in/out adjustment motor motor (M21/1m2). The right door control module (N69/2) actuates the mirror up/down adjustment motor (M21/2m1) and the mirror in/out adjustment motor (M21/2m2).

Each adjustment request is read in voltage-code via the front SAM control module with fuse and relay module (N10/1).