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GF91.16-P-2005Q Triggering the NECK-PRO Head Restraint Function

GF91.16-P-2005Q Triggering The NECK-PRO Head Restraint Function

Component Identification:

Component Identification:

Triggering function
When the driver NECK-PRO head restraint solenoid (Y24/12) is activated, the magnetic force of attraction that acts upon the locking lever is neutralized.

The locking lever is pulled up by the pre-compressed coil spring and unlocks the locking latch (10).

Due to the pre-compressed coil spring, the impact plate (3) moves forward and simultaneously upward. Thus, the distance between the head and the head restraint is reduced.

The two crash locks (8) catch in the teeth of the two rockers. As a result, the system prevents the impact plate (3) from moving back, which would be caused by the head of the driver that is tossed back.

If an accident occurs, NECK-PRO head restraints reduce the risk of injuries to the cervical vertebrae. They are triggered in the event of a rear end collision and thus reduce the distance between the head and the head restraint. Therefore, the capability to offer protection to the area of the cervical vertebrae is clearly increased.