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GF82.61-P-4003T Dynamic Route Guidance, Function

GF82.61-P-4003T Dynamic Route Guidance, Function
- with CODE (525) MB Audio 50 APS radio

The current traffic situation is taken into consideration in the dynamic route guidance. The incoming information on the traffic situation can be received by the RDS/TMC function (Radio Data System/Traffic Message Channel) with the FM receiver in the audio gateway control unit (N93/1). The information on the current traffic situation is sent out by a specially equipped broadcasting corporation on an area-related basis via FM. A suitable FM/RDS transmitter must be tuned in. The FM receiver receives the traffic reports from the left antenna amplifier module (A2/64) and passes them on to the traffic data recorder. The traffic reports are stored in the traffic data recorder of the radio control panel and navigation unit (A2/56) and made available to the navigation processor.

The service of the Traffic Message Channel (TMC) is coded, i.e. a decoder is necessary for this reception (fee required, but better service), or uncoded (free of charge).

Since no communication is accomplished between the vehicle and broadcasting corporation with TMC messages, the traffic data recorder selects the traffic messages related to the route on which the vehicle is presently driving as well as the surrounding area.

Traffic information analysis
The traffic data memory decodes the traffic information and transmits it to the navigation processor on request (internal). The navigation processor makes the decision whether the route should be changed.

If necessary, a message that the route should be changed is output via the vehicle speaker. For synchronization tasks the traffic data recorder requires an up-to-date "location list" from the navigation computer. In this list every stretch and every significant point (e.g. highway exit) on the recorded road network is identified by a unique number. This list is originally stored on the DVD-ROM. It is automatically loaded into the traffic data recorder as required (e.g. when DVD-ROM is changed). The traffic information stored in the traffic data memory is erased automatically after half an hour, max. 100 messages can be stored.

The decoded traffic messages are highlighted on the map by means of corresponding symbols. They can also be displayed as plain text. To do this, press the TRAFFIC JAM button
Traffic reports relevant to the route are, for example:
^ Road blocked
^ Jam
^ Slow-moving traffic
^ Heavy traffic
^ Light traffic
^ Road works
^ Trouble-free traffic

In the "Navigation" menu, the list of traffic information can be called up by pressing the "TMC message displays" button.