Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Note Regarding Customer Reimbursement - Models 211/219

Reimbursement to customers for repairs performed prior to this recall:

If the customer already paid to have this recall campaign condition repaired and provides adequate documentation to support their claim of a non-warranty repair of this item, they may be eligible to receive reimbursement.

Requests for reimbursement may include parts, labor, fees and taxes.

Reimbursement is limited to the amount the repair of the SBC hydraulic Unit, suction hose, ground wire and bracket, and related parts associated to these replacements (ex. screws, clamps, brake fluid) would have cost if completed by an authorized Mercedes-Benz dealer under this campaign.

Submit a warranty claim, utilizing Damage Code 54960338 as a sublet, utilizing the sublet code of "SUB." Sublet repairs require dealer text as stated in the Warranty Policies and Procedures Manual. Repair date should be the date that the customer paid for the repair.

Please note the claim submitted for customer reimbursement will not close the campaign (if still open). If the customer is still in possession of the vehicle with an open campaign, please arrange to close the campaign in the usual manner as described in this bulletin.