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GF27.60-P-3011NTL Manual Drive Mode Selection, Function

GF27.60-P-3011NTL Manual drive mode selection, function
- with CODE (428) Steering wheel shift buttons

With the selector lever and the transmission mode switch (S16/5) it is possible to adapt the automatic sequence of the shift to particular operating conditions.

The shift range can in fact be changed in the forward gears while driving, however the electronic transmission control (ETC) prevents any overrevving of the engine through upshifting at the maximum governed engine speed.

The comfort program "C" provides a greater overall ratio and thus a lower drive torque when driving off forwards or backwards. This allows the vehicle to move off more gently. In addition, the gears are not driven to maximum revs.

In the manual shift program "M" all forward gear can be selected using the selector lever or the left steering wheel gear shifter (S110/2) and right steering wheel gear shifter (S111/2) (up to 31.5.06) or the steering wheel gear shifter MINUS (S110/1) and steering wheel gear shifter PLUS (S111/1) (as of 1.6.06).

Gear shifts which would result in an impermissible high or low engine speed are not executed.