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GF82.85-P-3001QMJ Voice Output, Function

GF82.85-P-3001QMJ Voice Output, Function
- with CODE (498) Japanese version

The navigation feature of the navigation system (based on digital versatile disk (DVD) data basis) is supplemented by voice outputs. The following voice outputs are possible:
^ Direction information
^ Name of the next road to turn into

The voice data is originally stored on the navigation DVD as individual word segments. This data record is automatically transferred from the DVD to the navigation processor and stored there.
The navigation processor of the COMAND operating, display and control unit (A40/3n1) connects these words segments to form complete instructions or information and generates corresponding audio frequency (AF) signals.

The AF signals generated in this manner are transmitted internally to the audio signal processing unit of the COMAND operating, display and control unit (A40/3) as required. There the voice output signals are amplified and output via the vehicle speakers.

Several driving recommendations in quick succession are combined into a single voice output.