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Piston, Engine

AR03.10-P-7021-02VA Assigning a standard size piston to a cylinder bore

Test values for cylinder bore

Test values for cylinder bore:

Test values for cylinder bore:

Test values for pistons

Test values for pistons:

Test values for pistons:

Component Identification:

1 Assign piston to the cylinder bore
Piston diameters are specified in two tolerances. The piston diameters are differentiated from each other by the identification x or (x). This is located on the top of the piston crown. Pistons marked with x must only be installed in cylinder bores marked with x.
(x) Pistons marked with x must only be installed in cylinder bores marked with x(x).

Shown on engine 272:

Cylinder bore diameters are specified in two tolerances. The cylinder bore diameters are differentiated from each other by the identification x or (x) This is located at the bottom right on the crankcase at the mount for engine support.