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AR35.31-P-0550-23PA Pretension Rear Axle Housing With Spreader (Brace)

AR35.31-P-0550-23PA Pretension rear axle housing with spreader (brace)
- Rear axle center assembly dia. 185, 198, 210

Rear axle housing expansion (spread dimension):

Test values for rear axle housing expansion:

Test values for rear axle housing expansion:

Rear axle housing expansion:

Test values for friction torque of rear axle differential:

Special Tools:

Component Identification:

1 Attach spreader (058) to rear axle housing; to do this, tighten hexagon collar bolts (arrows) (guidance value: approx. 40 Nm).

Component Identification:

2 Turn straight edge of thrust piece to face front rib (arrow).
3 Screw in threaded spindle (058a) of spreader unit by hand until thrust piece touches tapered roller bearing outer race.

Component Identification:

4 Place contact arm (059) for measuring spread dimension on spreader.

Set dial gauge to "0" with 3 mm preload. Ensure that dial indicator remains set to "0".

Stop bolt (arrow) of the contact arm (059) must abut with contact surface of rear axle housing.

Component Identification:

5 Screw in the threaded spindle (058a) of the spreader until the rear axle housing has reached the specified spread dimension.

Do not exceed the spread dimension when spreading. Otherwise the rear axle housing may become damaged.

6 Remove contact arm (059).