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GF82.00-P-4000-04RA Fiber Optic Cable, Function

GF82.00-P-4000-04RA Fiber Optic Cable, Function

The light that is used for data transfers in the MOST ring has a wavelength of 650 nm. Visible light is in the range of blue with 40 nm to red with 800 nm.

Optical attenuation of the light signal can occur in the fiber optical cable.

This attenuation is dependent on:
^ the length of the line between the components
^ Bending radii for routing (minimum bending radius 25 mm)
^ Fiber optical cable condition (mechanical damage, crushing)

If a ring subscriber fails, it can be removed from the MOST ring . In order to ensure the functional availability of the remaining components, the MOST ring has to be closed again with passive connectors.

The fiber optical cable consists of plastic with a fiber diameter of 1 mm. Each fiber optical cable is protected against mechanical damage and admission of outside light with the help of orange- colored sheathing.