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AN82.64-P-0001-05RA Expand Fiber Optical Cable Ring For Component to Be Retrofitted

AN82.64-P-0001-05RA Expand Fiber Optical Cable Ring For Component To Be Retrofitted

MOST ring sequence on model 230

The CD player with changer (A2/6) is always installed in the 7th position in front of the audio gateway control unit (N93/1) into the MOST ring when retrofitting.

Component Identification:

1 Press catch hook (see arrow) of the ordered MOST wiring harness slightly outward and pull out black, 2-pin MOST connector (14) from the MOST connector housing (11).

2 Unclip blue locking clip (15) from the black, 2-pin MOST connector (14).
3 Install fiber optical cable module (8) from chamber 1 (inlet) in chamber 2 (outlet) of the black, 2-pin MOST connector (14).

The fiber optical cable module (8) must engage audibly.

4 Set the modified, ordered MOST wiring harness aside for further processing.

5 Disconnect black, 6-pin connector (10) from the audio gateway control unit (N93/1).
6 Remove black, 2-pin MOST connector (18) from the black, 6-pin connector (10).
7.1 Vehicles with junction below (arrow A)

- Separate fabric tape on the in-vehicle MOST wiring harness from the black, 2-pin MOST connector (18) up to the junction below (see arrow A).

7.2 Vehicles wit junction above (arrow B)

- Separate fabric tape on the in-vehicle MOST wiring harness from the black, 2-pin MOST connector (18) up to the junction above (arrow B) and then further until reaching arrow A.

8 Unclip blue locking clip (17) from the in-vehicle black, 2-pin MOST connector (18).
9 Remove fiber optical cable module (7) from the chamber (1) (inlet) of the black, 2-pin MOST connector (18) and install in chamber 1 (inlet) of the black, 2-pin MOST connector (14) of the ordered MOST wiring harness.

The fiber optical cable module (7) must engage audibly.

10 Install blue locking clip (15) in black, 2-pin MOST connector (14).
11 Clip black, 2-pin MOST connector (14) into MOST connector housing (11).

The MOST connector housing (11) will be connected to the CD player with changer (A2/6) at a later time.

12 Install fiber optical cable module (8) of the ordered MOST wiring harness in chamber 1 (inlet) of the in-vehicle, black, 2-pin MOST connector (18) of the audio gateway control unit (N93/1).

The fiber optical cable module (8) must engage audibly.

13 Install blue locking clip (15) in black, 2-pin MOST connector (18).

14 Install black, 2-pin MOST connector (18) in black, 6-pin connector (10) and connect to audio gateway control unit (N93/1).

15 Tie together fiber optical cable modules (7, 8) of MOST connector housing (11) up to the in-vehicle, black, 6-pin connector on the audio gateway control unit (N93/1) with adhesive tape (or fabric tape).

The MOST connector housing (11) will be connected to the CD player with changer (A2/6) at a later time.

Risk of breakage: Do not kink fiber optical cable, route over sharp edges or bend in radii smaller than 25 mm. Tensile forces on inserts must not exceed 65 N. Do not crush fiber optic cable, and do not compress with clamps or tie straps.