GF98.00-U-2005A Color Survey, General
GF98.00-U-2005A Color survey, general
MB paintwork code
MB colors (4-digit numerical combinations) are arranged according to basic colors.
The 4-digit color numbers are built up as follows:
The 1st digit indicates the basic color (RAL group), the 2nd to 4th digit the color number.
RAL Groups:
1 = Yellow
2 = Orange
3 = Red
4 = Purple/violet
5 = Blue
6 = Green
7 = Gray
8 = Brown
9 = White / black / silver / gold
On the passenger car body plate the MB color number is only embossed as three-digits, i.e. without the RAL group.
The following color charts represent passenger car color shades painted since 1963, sorted by RAL groups.