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Body - Mirrors Are Noisy When Extending/Retracting


Date: September 25, 2008
Order No.: P-B-88.70/70
Group: 88

SUBJECT: All Model 171, 204, 211, 219 and 230 Vehicles
Up To Mirror Production 2/6/2008
Electric Folding Outside Mirror Makes Noise While Extending or Retracting

If you receive customer reports in the above model vehicles where mirrors are noisy during extending or retracting, at cold temperatures (<59 degrees F), the electric folding outside mirror (code 500) may make a creaking noise during the folding sequence. Perform the following procedure to resolve.

1. Remove outside mirror trim. Refer to WIS document AR88.70-P-9040 (V 171), (CW 204), (T & TM 211), (TX 219) or (RA 230)

2. Determine mirror production date (Figure 1 - 204 on harness tag and Figure 2 - other models on motor label).

3. Grease retaining washer in area of slots (Figure 3).

4. Drill hole (3 mm diameter) at a height of 3 cm (Figure 4).

5. Grease the sliding disk. It must be greased with the outside mirror in three positions (folded in, intermediate position and folded out - Figures 5 and 6).

6. Operate outside mirrors electrically several times (approx. 8 times).

7. Install outside mirror trim. Refer to WIS document AR88.70-P-9040 (V 171), (CW 204), (T & TM 211), (TX 219) or (RA 230).

- In the event of complaints, repair both outside mirrors!
- For the complaint of high pitched squeak noise after mirror movement, at the present time no 2 remedy is available. Do not replace any parts.

Parts Information

NOTE: The following allowable labor operations should be used when submitting a warranty claim for this repair. This information has been generated on September 25, 2008. Please refer to Netstar -> Star TekInfo -> Star Time for the most current labor time allowance.

In Case of Warranty

Operation: Outside rear view mirror housing cover - left, R&R (88-3424)
Outside rear view mirror housing cover - right, R&R (88-3427)
Outside rear view mirror modification - left (88-0000)
Outside rear view mirror modification - right (88-0000)