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GF40.15-P-2004RU Detecting Rapid Pressure Loss, Function

GF40.15-P-2004RU Detecting Rapid Pressure Loss, Function
MODEL 230 as of 1.7.05
with CODE (470) Tire pressure monitor (base)
with CODE (494) USA version
except CODE (498) Japan version

If progressive pressure loss is detected during a certain period (gradient) of time while driving, it is assumed that a tire is defective.
In this case a warning is issued even before the triggering parameter for the hard warning has been reached. As a rule the warning is issued 60 seconds at the most after the start of a pressure loss of greater than 0.2 bar/min and is shown in the right multifunction display (A1p15) in the instrument cluster (A1) as the warning message (red) "Caution, tire defect".

Cancellation condition
The warning is canceled when the vehicle is restarted by successful filling detection or manual reactivation. . When the engine is switched back on after a leak warning the tire pressure monitor warning (A1e66) in the instrument cluster is initially activated. If there are new pressure values and none of the warning criteria are fulfilled after driving has started the tire pressure monitor warning lamp is switched off and the warning message is canceled. The warning is canceled when filling detection or a manual reactivation is successfully carried out.