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GF00.20-P-2009R Engine Oil Monitoring, Function

GF00.20-P-2009R Engine Oil Monitoring, Function
- MODEL 230 up to model year 08/YoM 07

General information
The oil level is constantly monitored by the oil sensor (oil level, temperature and quality B40), and the corresponding data is forwarded to the ASSYST computer.
Oil top-ups are automatically detected, and result in a quantity rebate, which correspondingly extends the service interval. The right multifunction display (A1p15) in the instrument cluster (A1) indicates when the oil level is too high or too low.

See also document "Driver information"

Oil warnings are displayed:
- automatically, no sooner than 60 s after starting the engine and with an oil temperature of greater than 60 °C:
- in case of oil overfilling: the oil can symbol appears in the left multifunction display (A1p13) and the text " REDUCE ENGINE OIL LEVEL!" in the right multifunction display (A1p15). A brief warning tone is additionally sounded.
- if the oil level is critically low or the condition of the oil is poor (water in the oil): the oil can symbol appears in the left multifunction display (A1p13) and the text "ENGINE OIL SERVICE REQUIRED!" appears in the right multifunction display (A1p15). A brief warning tone is additionally sounded.
- in case of oil minimum: the oil can symbol appears in the left multifunction display (A1p13) and the text "CHECK ENGINE OIL LEVEL!" appears in the right multifunction display (A1p15). A brief warning tone is additionally sounded.

- automatic, 5 s after ignition ON:
- if the oil level has dropped to a level that is damaging to the engine, the oil can symbol appears in the left multifunction display (A1p13) and in red "ENGINE text: OIL LEVEL STOP; ENGINE OFF!" appears in the right multifunction display (A1p15). In addition, a warning tone is sounded.

Display of the oil quantity
- Turn ignition-and-starter switch to position "2"
- Press the system selection button (S110s3) repeatedly until the left multifunction display (A1p13) shows the basic display (main and trip odometer reading). (Only necessary if the default image is not yet displayed.)
- Press the scroll forward/back button (S110s1) until the text "CORRECT MEASUREMENT ONLY WHEN THE VEHICLE IS LEVEL" appears in the right multifunction display (A1p15).
- If the vehicle is not level, cancel measurement by pressing the scroll forward/back button (S110S1) several times within 3 seconds.
- If the measurement is not canceled, after approximately 3 s the text "ENGINE OIL LEVEL MEASUREMENT IN PROGRESS" appears in the right multifunction display (A1p15).
- The following messages may now appear in the right multifunction display (A1p15):

The quantity of oil which is to be filled in is specified in liters (L) or in quarts (Q).

- If the message "OBSERVE WAITING TIME!" is displayed, the previously stipulated waiting time has not been adhered to.

The missing quantity of oil which is displayed is no longer changed during the display. A change in the oil level cannot therefore be directly observed in the display. The new oil level is not displayed until the following conditions have been met.

Waiting time
Measuring the oil level is only possible following the expiry of a waiting time following engine OFF.
If the driver attempts to request the oil level with the engine ON, the message "ENGINE OIL LEVEL NOT WITH ENGINE RUNNING" appears in the right multifunction display (A1p15).
The waiting time following engine OFF depends on the engine oil temperature.

This is
- Up to 20 °C 30 min
- As of 60 °C 1 min.
- In the case of other temperatures, the waiting time assumes corresponding intermediate values.

Display in the event of measuring system errors In the event of a measuring system error, e.g. in the event of an oil sensor error (oil level, temperature and quality B40), the oil can symbol and the text "ENGINE OIL LEVEL SERVICE REQUIRED" appear no sooner than 30 s after the occurrence of the error.
For diagnosis purposes the ME-SFI [ME] control unit (N3/10) must also be read out using Star Diagnosis.
The instrument cluster (A1) receives the sensor information from the ME-SFI [ME] control unit (N3/10) via the engine compartment CAN.

Oil change
Following each oil change, ASSYST must be reset. On resetting, the remaining distance and the remaining time are reset. Resetting can be carried out via the instrument cluster (A1) or via Star Diagnosis.

On resetting, the following data are stored:
- Current kilometer reading, rounded to 100,
- Total of top-up quantities in the last interval,
- Remaining distance,
- Remaining time,
- Product of the quality factors,
- The data from the previous five resets

This data can only be read out with Star Diagnosis.
The starting distance (internal mileage) is reduced if the prescribed quantity of oil is not filled in when the oil is changed.

(The procedure for resetting via the instrument cluster is described in the "Operating instructions" document.)

Replenishment recognition
- The previous ten refill quantities and the corresponding kilometer readings of the current interval can be called up using Star Diagnosis.
- Replenishment recognition is normally indicated via the extension of the remaining distance in the instrument cluster.

Oil top-ups are only basically recognized if the following conditions are fulfilled:
The refill quantity is at least 0.5 l ,
Following an oil refill, a distance of at least 5 km must be driven under normal driving conditions oil with an temperature of at least 60 °C

There are, however, cases in which the display of the remaining distance nevertheless appears implausible following an oil top-up; according to the display, no, or only a minimal, quantity rebate is assigned.
This is due to the fact that the remaining distance is always only displayed in the range from 15,000 km to 30,000 km (or 10,000 to 20,000 miles), but internally the calculation is made with the actual values, which may also lie outside of this range .
These internal values can only be displayed with Star Diagnosis.

The following diagrams contain several examples.
In this case, the horizontal (x) axis represents the service interval and the vertical (y) axis the remaining distance, each in km. The ASSYST display in the instrument cluster always moves within the light area , whereas the internally calculated remaining distance may also be located in the two dark areas.These internal values can only be displayed with Star Diagnosis.

Example 1:
The prescribed nominal top-up quantity was filled in when the oil was changed. The starting distance is therefore 15,000 km.
After 10,000 km, oil is topped up under normal driving conditions (a). The quantity rebate (B1) is assigned and displayed. This means that when the remaining distance is called up, a greater remaining distance is displayed. (Provided that the above mentioned conditions for replenishment recognition are fulfilled.)
Oil is topped up again after a further 5000 km (b). A quantity rebate (B2) is also assigned and displayed in this case. If no further oil is now added and if the vehicle continues to be driven in the same manner, a service interval of approx. 24,000 km will be achieved.
In this example, the curve lies completely within the light area of the diagram; this means that all oil refills are displayed by increasing the remaining distance.

Example 2:
The prescribed nominal top-up quantity was filled in when the oil was changed.
Under very favorable driving conditions, oil is topped up after 10,000 km (a). The quantity rebate (B1) is assigned internally, the service interval is extended accordingly via an increased remaining distance. However, as the curve is partly located in the hatched area, only the section of (B1) which is located in the light area is initially displayed as an extension of the remaining distance. (Provided that the above mentioned conditions for replenishment recognition are fulfilled.)

Oil is again topped up at 18,000 km (b). Due to the positive deviation of the maximum service interval of 30,000 km, no extension is displayed by the quantity rebate (B2) in this case. In this case, the total service interval is 30,000 km.
If the vehicle continues to be driven under less favorable driving conditions as of point b, the maximum service interval of 30,000 km may still possibly be achieved due to the internal quantity rebate (B2).

Example 3:
When the oil change took place, less than the prescribed nominal top-up quantity was added, for which reason the starting distance is less than 15,000 km. However, the displayed remaining distance is still 15,000 km.
If oil is now topped up after 5,000 km (a), the displayed remaining distance is not extended, as the curve is located in the hatched area. However, the quantity rebate (B1) is calculated internally and causes the service interval to be extended to slightly more than 15,000 km under identical or more favorable driving conditions.

The service interval of 15,000 km is always achieved, even if the internal value is lower.

Example 4:
The prescribed nominal top-up quantity was filled in when the oil was changed. Oil was topped up (a) after 5,000 km under unfavorable driving conditions, and this replenishment (quantity rebate B1) was internally recognized.
Two cases will now be examined:
- If the operating conditions remain the same (solid line), the remaining mileage displayed is not increased, because the curve remains in the shaded area. The service interval in this case is nevertheless 15 000 km, although the internal value is lower. (The displayed remaining distance is always located only in the light area.)
- If the vehicle continues to be driven under more favorable driving conditions (dotted line), the value of the internal remaining distance slowly moves into the light area.

The service interval may therefore exceed 15,000 km.