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AH40.10-P-0003-01A Information About Regulations For Recommended Wheel/Tire Combinations

AH40.10-P-0003-01A Information about regulations for recommended wheel/tire combinations

Valid for all wheel/tire combinations:
The recommended wheel/tire combinations apply only when the dimensions are entered in the vehicle documentation at the factory or when a corresponding part certification is present. For tire/wheel combinations not entered in the registration certificate and certificate of conformity, a corresponding part certificate or approval certificate is to be given to the customer.

Tire/wheel combinations may only be fitted without the need for further action if they are listed in part 1, section 15 of the registration certificate or in section 32 and 50 of the certificate of conformity or if the required Technical Inspection Association reports can be presented.

Despite the same rim size markings, the use of wheel/tire combinations on any other than the intended model series can lead to rubbing on nearby components and thereby affect operational safety. The reason for this is the difference in the contour of the wheel or the brake system.

In the Federal Republic of Germany, modification approval from an officially recognized expert or tester from a technical testing point for motor vehicles or from a testing engineer from an officially recognized supervisory organization is required for wheel/tire combinations which require conversion work on the body and/or chassis.

Mercedes-Benz recommended tire makes are provided with "MO" identification (Mercedes Original).

In addition, with winter tire wheel/tire combinations:
It is permissible to use all wheel/tire combinations with snow chains provided there is no indication they have been restricted.