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GF27.60-P-3013N Function of Operating Pressure

GF27.60-P-3013N Function of Operating Pressure
TRANSMISSION 722.9 in MODEL 171.4, 203, 230 up to Model Year 2008
TRANSMISSION 722.9 in MODEL 209, 211, 215, 219, 220
TRANSMISSION 722.9 in MODEL 463.303 /340 /341 up to 31.5.12

The oil pressure produced by the oil pump is converted into working pressure by the working pressure regulating valve. The level of operating pressure depends on the position of the regulating valve and thus on its geometry. The position of the working pressure regulating valve is influenced by the working pressure control solenoid valve (VGS) (Y3/8y1) in a load/gear dependent manner. All other pressures required for the transmission control are derived from the working pressure.