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GF82.30-P-4007R Slowing Down Wiper Motor, Function

GF82.30-P-4007R Slowing Down Wiper Motor, Function

Following the completion of a wiping operation, the wipers must come to a stop in the park position.

The wiper motor (M6/1) has a cam switch for detection of the park position. When the motor runs through the park position, the cam switch is actuated.
The signal from the cam switch circuit 31b is checked continuously by the driver-side SAM control module (N10/10).

Prerequisites for braking wiper motor (M6/1):
^ wiper motor is switched off (combination switch (S4) in position "0")
^ intermittent wiping is switched on (combination switch (S4) in position "1") and wipers presently in intermittent pause.

Braking wiper motor:
To stop the wiper motor, the "On" and "Off" wiper relay (K40/2kH) is switched off by the driver-side SAM control module (N10/10). Switching off the wiper "On" and "Off" relay (K40/2kH):
^ wiper motor's (M6/1) circuit 53 disconnected from the power supply circuit 15R and connected to the deceleration output of driver-side SAM control module (N10/10).
^ deceleration output is connected to ground by the driver-side SAM control module (N10/10) via an electronic switch (FET) thus short circuiting the wiper motor.
^ motor is thus braked due to short circuit (eddy current brake).

Discontinuation of deceleration operation
The deceleration operation is discontinued when:
^ an intermittent pause has expired
^ the combination switch (S4) is set to position 2 or 3
^ Circuit 15R OFF