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Illuminated Entry

The Illuminated Entry feature allows the Foot Lamps, Sliding Door Step Lamp and the Front Dome Lamp to remain on for a short period of time after the Left Front Door is closed with all other doors closed. If the vehicle is equipped with Keyless Entry, the Keyless Entry Module allows these lamps to come on when that feature is requested. When the Left Door is open, a ground signal is applied to the Door Switch input of the Timer Module. The module then applies a ground to circuit LI91. This grounds the Foot Lamps, Sliding Door Step Lamp and the Front Dome Lamp, causing these lamps to light. When the Left Door is closed, the ground is removed from the Door Switch input of the Timer Module. The module then removes the ground signal from circuit LI91 after a short time, causing the Foot Lamps, Sliding Door Step Lamp and the Front Dome Lamp to go out. The Front Dome Lamp will light only if the Front Dome Lamp Switch is in the "DOOR" position.