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Low/Reverse Clutch Assembly

Low/Reverse Clutch Assembly

Low/Reverse Clutch Assembly


NOTE: The low/reverse clutch plates are installed in the case during the Assembly procedure.

1. Remove the thrust bearing and the shim from the center support.

2. Using the Clutch Spring Compressor 307-525, remove and discard the low/reverse clutch return spring retainer.

3. Remove and discard the low/reverse clutch return spring washer.

4. Remove the low/reverse clutch return spring.

5. Apply a slight amount of air to the port, remove the low/reverse clutch piston from the low/reverse clutch drum.

6. Remove and discard the low/reverse outer piston O-ring seals.

7. Remove and discard the low/reverse drum O-ring seals.


Low/reverse piston

1. Install new low/reverse outer piston O-ring seals.

2. Install new low/reverse drum O-ring seals.

3. Lubricate the O-ring seal with clean automatic transmission fluid and install the low/reverse piston.

4. Install the low/reverse clutch return spring.

5. Install a new low/reverse clutch return spring washer.

6. Using the Clutch Spring Compressor 307-525, compress the low/reverse clutch return spring and install the retaining ring.

7. Install a new roller bearing on the center support.

Low/reverse clutch stackup

8. NOTE: All intermediate clutch plates, friction and steel are of a wave-type design.

Install the D-Clutch Measurement Gauge 307-554 into the case.

9. With the D-Clutch Measurement Gauge 307-554 positioned in the case, use the Depth Micrometer 303-D075 to measure the case stop depth.

10. Measure the clutch pack height.

11. Using the Depth Micrometer 303-D075, measure the piston to center support shoulder height.

12. Calculate the end clearance.

Compare the end clearance to the specification. If the end clearance is out of specification, select the next thinner or thicker plate as required and repeat Steps 10, 11 and 12.