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Quick Test Precautions

This diagnostic procedure is only used on EEC-IV equipped vehicles when the Diagnostic Routines direct you to perform EEC-IV Diagnostics.

To test and service the EEC-IV subsystem correctly, perform the Quick Test first, and, if the vehicle passes all three phases of the Quick Test (Key-ON, Engine-OFF, Engine Running and Continuous Test) without running (performing) any Pinpoint Tests, the EEC-IV subsystem is satisfactory and the vehicle's problem, if any, exists elsewhere (other than the EEC-IV subsystem). However, if a step of the Quick Test fails, perform only the Pinpoint Tests specified by the failed step procedure. Do not begin any Pinpoint Test without following the instructions at the beginning of the Pinpoint Test procedure. After all tests and services have been completed, repeat the entire Quick Test procedure to ensure the EEC-IV subsystem operates satisfactorily.