Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

System Operation

Fig. 1 Automatic Ride Control System:

The ARC system, Fig. 1, monitors the following conditions to determine when additional shock absorber damping is required for improved handling:
1. Brake hydraulic pressure.
2. Throttle position.
3. Super charger boost.
4. Steering wheel angle.
5. Vehicle speed.

Any one of the following approximate conditions will cause shock absorber damping to switch to FIRM:
1. Hard braking, brake hydraulic pressure above 400 psi.
2. More than 90 percent of full throttle.
3. Hard cornering, above 0.35g lateral acceleration.
4. Vehicle speed above 90 mph.

The shock damping will return to the softer ride a few seconds after these conditions are no longer present, providing vehicle speed has dropped below 83 mph.

The ARC system will not respond to hard turns during the first 80 seconds of driving. This delay allows the ARC system to calculate the straight ahead steering wheel position. Severe or repeated turns in one direction could lengthen the wheel position calculation time by several minutes. All other features of the system operate normally during this period.