1. Disconnect battery ground cable (14301).2. Drain engine cooling system.
3. Remove air cleaner outlet tube (9B6593 and engine air cleaner (ACL)(9600).
4. Recover air conditioning system.
5. Remove cooling fan motor/fan blade (8600) and fan shroud (8146) assembly.
6. Relieve fuel system pressure and disconnect fuel lines.
7. Disconnect fuel charging wiring 42-pin connector and 8-pin connector and position out of the way.
8. Disconnect accelerator cable (9A758) and speed control actuator cable (9A825).
9. Disconnect fuel charging wiring (9D930) and front evaporative emission hose from evaporative emission canister purge valve (EVAP canister purge valve)(9C915).
10. Disconnect positive battery cable from power distribution box.
11. Disconnect body vacuum supply hose from main emission vacuum control connector (9E498).
12. Disconnect transmission oil cooler tubes from transmission oil cooler.
13. Disconnect upper radiator hose (8260) from radiator (8005).
14. Disconnect heater supply and return hoses.
A/C Compressor Lines Removal:
15. Disconnect air conditioning compressor inlet and outlet hoses from A/C compressor (19703) using Spring Lock Coupling Disconnect Tool (3/8 inch) T81P-19623-G1 and (1/2 inch) T81P-19623-G2.
16. Disconnect engine to frame wire (14324) from dash panel (01610).
17. Partially raise vehicle on a hoist.
18. Remove front wheels and tires.
19. Disconnect RH and LH front anti-lock sensor and brackets wiring connectors.
20. Remove RH and LH front disc brake caliper bolts Remove disc brake calipers (2B 120) and support to vehicle using wire.
21. Disconnect RH and LH front suspension upper arms from .
22. Disconnect front spring and shocks (3C098) from front suspension lower arms (3079).
23. Raise vehicle.
24. Drain engine oil.
25. Disconnect dual converter Y pipe (5F250) from RH and LH exhaust manifolds (9430).
26. Disconnect shift cable and bracket (7E395).
27. Index driveshaft centering socket yoke (4782) to rear axle universal joint flange (4851).
28. Remove four bolts connecting driveshaft centering socket yoke to rear axle universal joint flange. Support rear axle assembly (4200) with jackstand.
29. Remove two nut and bolt assemblies retaining the front of the rear axle assembly to the rear sub-frame.
30. Loosen rear differential bracket to body bolts and lower.
31. Slide driveshaft (4A376) rearward until it is free of extension housing (7A039).
32. Remove lower radiator hose (8286) from radiator.
33. Loosen spring clamps and remove power steering hoses from power steering fluid cooler (3D746).
34. Disconnect wiring connector bulkhead (7G276).
35. Support front sub-frame (5C145) using Rotunda Powertrain Lift 014-00765 and Adapter 014-00341 or equivalent.
36. Remove rear engine support insulator retaining bolts.
37. Disconnect steering coupling at pinch bolt joint.
38. Remove eight front sub-frame retaining bolts.
39. Lower engine and transmission from vehicle.
40. Disconnect power steering pressure hose (3A719) and power steering return hose (3A713) from the power steering pump (3A674).
41. Remove engine wire harness retainers from front sub-frame.
42. Remove LH and RH front engine support insulator through bolts.
43. Install engine lifting eye from Rotunda Engine Lift Bracket Set 014-00334 or equivalent on side of LH cylinder head (6049) at front as shown. Install engine lifting eye from Rotunda Engine Lift Bracket Set 014-00334 or equivalent on side of RH cylinder head at rear as shown.
NOTE: Attach Rotunda Engine Lift Bracket Set 014-00334 or equivalent using two M-12 x 1.75 x 20 mm bolts.
44. Connect Rotunda Floor Crane 014-00071 or equivalent to the lift brackets.
45. Raise engine and transmission assembly and carefully separate engine from front sub-frame.
46. Remove starter motor (11002).
47. Remove transmission oil cooler tubes.
48. Remove retaining nut from transmission line stud to cylinder blocks (6010).
49. Remove transmission housing cover (7986) from cylinder blocks to gain access to torque converter retaining nuts. Rotate crankshaft (6303) until each nut (four required) is accessible and remove nuts.
50. Lower engine and transmission assembly to a level, stationary surface.
51. Disconnect transmission wire harness connectors at transmission.
52. Remove six bolts retaining transmission to engine. Separate engine from transmission.
53. Position engine on a work stand.
54. Remove engine lifting equipment.