Scan Tool Set-Up and Functionality
When performing powertrain diagnostics on On Board Diagnostics II (OBD II) vehicles, the system may be checked by an off-board tester referred to as a scan tool. These diagnostic methods contain information for performing diagnostics with the New Generation STAR (NGS) Tester and a generic scan tool. A generic scan tool has a capability that is standard across the automotive industry in the United States. However, to perform manufacturer-specific functions, a string of characters may be required to be entered manually. If a NGS tester is used, those functions are selected from a menu.The NGS tester or generic scan tool must be connected to the Data Link Connector (DLC) for communication with the vehicle.
The DLC is located in the passenger compartment. It is attached to the instrument panel and accessible from the driver's seat.
The DLC is rectangular in design and capable of accommodating up to 16 terminals. The connector has keying features to allow easy connection. The vehicle connector and the test equipment connector have latching features that ensure the test equipment connector will remain mated when properly connected. Refer to the NGS tester instruction manual or scan tool manufacturer's manual for specific information on scan tool set-up and operation. Contact Rotunda for the latest version of the NGS tester instruction manual at 1-800-ROTUNDA.