Air Conditioning Cycling Switch
AIR CONDITIONING CYCLING SWITCHThe air conditioning (A/C) cycling switch may be wired to either the ACCS or ACPSW PCM input. When the A/C cycling switch opens, the PCM will turn off the A/C clutch. For information on the specific function of the A/C cycling switch, refer to Heating and Air Conditioning.
The A/C cycling switch (ACCS) circuit to the PCM provides a voltage signal which indicates when the A/C is requested. When the A/C demand switch is turned on, and both the A/C cycling switch and the high pressure contacts of the A/C high pressure switch (if equipped and in circuit) are closed, voltage is supplied to the ACCS circuit at the PCM. Refer to the applicable Vehicle/Diagrams for vehicle specific wiring.
If the ACCS signal is not received by the PCM, the PCM circuit will not allow the A/C to operate. For additional information, refer to PCM outputs, wide open throttle air conditioning cutoff.
NOTE: Some applications do not have a dedicated (separate) input to the PCM indicating that A/C is requested. This information is received by the PCM through the communication link.