Ball Joint Inspection
Ball Joint Inspection1. Raise and support the vehicle with the wheels hanging in rebound.
2. To diagnose, alternately pull downward and push upward on the lower arm, by hand, noting any relative vertical movement between the knuckle and lower arm.
- If relative movement is not found, the ball joint is OK. Do not install a knuckle and ball joint assembly.
- If relative movement is found, go to Step 3.
3. Attach a suitable dial indicator with a flexible arm to the vehicle.
- Position the flexible arm with a smooth curve for a rigid attachment.
- Position the dial indicator against the bottom of the ball stud.
4. Push upward on the lower arm by hand and zero the dial indicator, then pull downward on the lower arm by hand, noting the total dial indicator movement.
5. If the movement is at or exceeds 0.75 mm (0.03 inch), install a new front wheel knuckle.