Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

52 13 000 Removing and Installing Driver's or Front Passenger Seat (Normal / Manual)

52 13 000 Removing and installing driver's or front passenger seat (normal / manual)

WARNING: Observe safety regulations for handling airbag modules and pyrotechnical seat belt tensioners.

Incorrect handling may trigger off pyrotechnical belt tensioners or the side airbag, which may result in injury.

Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Switch off ignition
- Disconnect battery negative lead

Slide front forward as far as it will go.
Release screws (1).

Replace screws and insert with Loctite.
Tightening torque 52 13 1AZ.

Slide front seat back as far as it will go.
Release screws (1).

Replace screws and insert with Loctite.
Tightening torque 52 13 1AZ.
Unlock plug connections (2) and disconnect plug (3).

Cover entrance for protection purposes (risk of damage).
Lift out front seat.

Carpet must not get between seat rails and floor pan near screw-fastening points (grating noises).